Geri Russo Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist & Group Analyst MA, BPC, UKCP, MBACP
Tel: 07932 723770
Panic Attacks
A panic attack is a very emotional signal that you are not facing and becoming aware of those aspects of your life that you need to address because they either bring you pain, are harmful and/or or dangerous.
Panic attacks are characterised by an experience of severe fear and intense emotions. These emotions result in powerful accompanying physical reactions such as fainting, difficulty in breathing and/or palpitations.
It is said that panic attacks are no more than exaggerated phobias. It generally follows that the body will go into spasm if it is bombarded with conflicting messages. Often, you do not know whether you should 'fight' or 'flight' and sometimes you do neither and 'freeze'.
The problem is further exacerbated by the fact that you now fear the fear itself. You fear having a panic-attack and losing control.
It is one of the fundamental laws of the mind that "Whatever you imagine, will come about." You now are a panic-attack looking for a place to happen.
A panic attack is usually accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness or faintness, increased heart rate, trembling and shaking, hot or cold flushes, and a sense of detachment.
Although it might appear that the panic attack comes 'out of the blue' it is triggered by certain stimuli. It could be a thought or a particular circumstance that triggers the unconscious pattern. Althought the sufferer may not realise it you do have the choice to reject this faulty pattern if you wish.
The solution is not what you think because the problem is not real.