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How do I get started?

geri russo depression anxiety psychotherapist harley street

For most people this is the hardest part - making that first phone call or sending that first email.


The first step is for you to contact me by email or by telephone (see the contact page for details) so that I can book you in for an appointment.  This meeting is called an Initial Consultation and usually lasts 50 minutes.  The purpose of this meeting is to make an assessment for psychotherapy.


In your Initial Consultation, we will explore your current situation, needs and concerns. 


Free First Meeting

We appreciate that it is sometimes very difficult to meet with a psychotherapist for the first time.  Discussing your most personal worries and concerns with someone who is effectively a stranger to you can be a big barrier preventing you from getting the help you need.  


For this reason I offer a 30-minute complimentary informal first meeting to help you make that first step.  


Simply state that you would like to book a 'Free First Meeting' when contacting me either by phone or email.


Appointments can be scheduled for some mornings, afternoons or evenings.


I look forward to hearing from you.


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