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Free First Meeting

london therapy centre geri russo depression anxiety psychotherapist harley street

Complimentary Informal First Meeting


I appreciate that it is sometimes very difficult to meet with a psychotherapist for the first time.  Discussing your most personal worries and concerns with someone who is effectively a stranger to you can be a big barrier to starting therapy and preventing you from getting the help you need.  


For this reason I offer a 30-minute complimentary informal first meeting to help you make that first step.  


If at this meeting you decide that you are happy to take your second step then an Initial Consultation is booked for you.  Whilst your reasons for seeking therapy will be discussed informally at this meeting it does not replace the need for you to have an Initial Consultation where a full history is taken.


Simply state that you would like to book a 'Free First Meeting' when contacting me either by phone or email.

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